Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bowie Style

JADATO says,

Bowie is back. Yes you heard me right and I couldn't be more excited! Twitter, Facebook, and Fashion Houses are all buzzing about Bowie's latest single to drop in over a decade. Will you be watching which fashion houses feature him in their catwalk line-up? Della Russo is excited about David Bowie's surprise new album due in March.

Jo Levin and Anna Dello Russo
Photo By Tim Jenkins

Read this article if you don't believe me:

He is one of my favorite artists and I have ALL of his albums. Friends and followers if ever comes to Kansas City you better let me know so we can buy tickets immediately!

Speaking of Bowie let's explore some outfits that we should wear while watching him:

1. Two tone contacts are a must and face paint is a given.

2. Labyrinth hairstyles and sequins shirts are a must try. I think I have a crimper lying around somewhere.

3. Huge stilettos or chunky boots, faux furs, WAY too much blush, and python work great too. (I will try to put myself in a Bowie outfit tonight to show you how it really could look. I need a lot of practice before he reads my blog and decides to tour to Kansas City. ;)


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