Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Camera

Hi lovelies,

I think starting this blog and doing a post everyday is great fun but I have decided after this one I will rest from blogging on Sundays. Sunday is a day of relaxation and no work so I plan to follow that most of the time. I did want to clue you in on two exciting things: one-tomorrow's post will be about my two dress choices for The Addy Awards, two-I am getting a new camera. 

Robbie and I have been researching, ok well Robbie has really been doing research, we finally found ourselves a camera winner. I love the old school feel of this camera and the beautiful digital photos it takes. Our paycheck this week will purchase this beauty and then you will see so many more original photos on here and not just my instagram phone shots. I am loving sharing my time on my blog with you and I ask that you become a full-time follower! Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, whatever floats your boat but please follow me. Also, don't be afraid to leave me a comment because I love hearing your thoughts. Sleep well.

Fujifilm x10 photo sample


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