Thursday, April 25, 2013

history of bell bottoms


I don't know about you but I really want a pair of bell bottoms. Do you have any pairs that you already love? I think when I find the perfect pair I'm going to invest; maybe something from Free People? I took a few fashion courses during my time in college and love researching fashion trends. Here is a history lesson on bell bottoms for my readers.

Origin of Bell-Bottoms

The pants that the world has come to know and love as a fitted yet flowing fashion staple amongst young people originally were designed for much more practical reasons. Though the actual creation of the first pair of bell-bottoms is unknown, the first mention of bell-bottom pants was in 1813 in reference to the uniforms of U.S. Navy sailors. Bell-bottoms were a functional choice for sailors since they were easy to remove over boots, easy to roll up to avoid becoming water-logged, and--perhaps most interestingly--could be morphed into a floatation device by filling the pant legs with air.

I guess now we know why sailors may have some of the most iconic outfits but they also helped them survive if they were wrecked at sea! Heck yes floatation device, I think airplanes need to get a pair of these underneath seats :) are a few of my favorite ways to wear them. I will post some pictures of myself in them as soon as I find that PERFECT pair. I wanted to point out too that bell bottoms work well for most women's bodies because they draw attention from their waist downward.




  1. This is an informative blog which tell history about bell bottom pants. Keep Blogging.I liked one thing about bell bottom pant is that these pants were a functional choice for sailors since they were easy to remove over boots, easy to roll up to avoid becoming water-logged.Keep Blogging

    1. Thank you for your post. I will keep blogging as long as people keep reading. ;) Even if they aren't reading I will keep writing. I'm searching for informative information to keep readers informed on important fashion events and culture. I found that fascinating too about them being used as possible floatation devices.

  2. Thank you I remember bell bottoms during high school ! Still love them.

  3. thanks, nice article.
