Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Hi everyone,

My heart breaks about I read about the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh killing hundreds of workers inside. This isn't the first time that garment factory workers have been crammed inside unsafe conditions and not the first time their lives were lost because of this. These events should make us take a deeper look at where we are purchasing our clothing and is that cheap price tag worth the cost of the underpaid wages/unsafe working conditions that got us this item. I am not trying to be negative about fashion but I do want to always educate readers on what is going on around the world

After reading what I wrote above I hope we can support good causes of ethical clothing instead of shopping for "disposable fashion" all the time. I recently purchased a handbag from CFDA's E-bay website for "You Can't Fake Fashion." Here is what that statement really means:

"Since 2011, CFDA has partnered with eBay to advance the You Can't Fake Fashion initiative. Educating shoppers about the dangers of counterfeits is now more important than ever, and it's an issue that's incredibly important to both eBay and CFDA. With 90 designers on board this year, each customizing a bag as one-of-a-kind to show their support, eBay and CFDA are dedicated to protecting original design and the integrity of the fashion industry."
Ebay Can't Fake Fashion

I bought just the standard purse made by the CFDA for $50.00 because some of the designer ones were a bit too pricey for my pocketbook. There are a few other designer ones out there and I think it supports a great cause.



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