Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hello readers!

I have been keeping a secret for about a month and finally I can tell you. My husband Rob Mitchell and I are featured in a fashion article in Kansas City's newspaper INK KC. We had such a blast shooting for this article and talking about why we enjoy fashion. IE-What is in our closet, what are we wearing, who are our influences, and what is our favorite fashion piece we own. Go to the article to read more.

I think this is going to be a great thing for my blog and I have been invited to join a KC Blogger Group. I am not going anywhere soon and I hope you stay around to read/follow/share with me too on this fashion journey. Thanks for reading. Love you all!

BTW-I have some more exciting things lined up for my blog soon including a guest post in August on a great DIY blog and a fashion shoot with my friend where I get to show off all my pretty clothing. Stay tuned!


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