Winter bbq’s

Saturday, February 23, 2013


When someone is snowed in for the majority of the day after drinking too much hot chocolate, alcohol, and watching too much tv one has to get out and do something. We live in a wonderful neighborhood in Kansas City near a park for our dog and we have amazing neighbors too. Our neighbor next door was feeling the same ‘I have to get out of this house or I’ll go crazy’ so he invited us to bbq. We had the few zombies that ventured outside and wondered why the heck we were grilling at 9:00 pm at night. (Secretly, I think they were jealous) our neighbor bought wonderful lamb from nature’s Own and we made lamb burgers. Seriously one of the best burgers i have ever had and i am going to do late night bbq’ing again soon. We are supposed to get hit with another snow storm on Monday and I'm secretly hoping to get snowed in again to have another winter bbq. next time I'm stocking up to make some sort of hot toddy or Mexican hot chocolate.

I love winter time too because the Midwestern hospitality and sweet human spirit comes out to help their neighbors. We helped a neighbor shovel her way out of the snow to get her car to safety; i think for the guys it provided a cheap way to get buff during the day. It helped too that our neighbor was cute so boys will do anything a girl asks when she looks adorable too. Stay warm out there and I hope you are having fun too.




Winter Weather Boredom

Friday, February 22, 2013


Yesterday Kansas City got a whopper of a snow storm yesterday. I was lucky enough that my boss let us stay home because there was no way my car was going to make it to work yesterday. It was fun relaxing at home, cooking food, having a beer at 11:00 am, and getting to go back to sleep for a bit. My neighbors are really great too because they helped shovel some cars out of danger so the drivers could pull into their parking spots. Our next door neighbor offered us lamb burgers to grill out in the snow and it was a really fun experience. I'll post more pictures of our snow adventures tomorrow along with what I wore out in this freezing weather. Here are a few winter weather ideas and a few pictures of my day indoors yesterday. (PS-there are even a few guy options :)

Cheers to staying warm,


My Face Care Routine

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Do you ever wake up in the morning and think this is the face I get to work with? There are many occasions this has happened and some of them happen around that "girly time" while other times happen after too many glasses of Chardonnay. I get a lot of people who ask me how my skin got so clear and honestly a lot of it is contributed to good genes.

I do take a lot of care of my skin though and try to always use make-up and cleaning products that are non-pore clogging. I think the biggest NO NO that I commit is not always drinking enough water and sometimes I fall asleep with my face on. The biggest sin is that second one so I always suggest buying those makeup wipes, ones from The Dollar Tree work great, and wipe your face off every night. Even for guys that don't wear make-up like us ladies it is best practice to use these wipes too because our everyday environment can really wreck our skin. I plan to share with you my skin cleaning routine and please know that this won't work for everyone but I want to share with you if it can help.

First Step: Ivory Soap (Wash your face) $1.00 for three bars!

I remember seeing my friend in high school who used to have pretty bad acne show up to school one week with almost completely clear skin. I asked him "Man, you look great! What have you been using for your skin?" He told me after a lot of different medicines he just started using his mom's Ivory Soap. I've been using it ever since he said that and I can truly say it cleans extremely well and doesn't clog my pores. 

Ivory Soap

Step 2: Witch Hazel (Toner) $2.99 for a whole bottle!

My mom told me she read an article when I was around thirteen talking about what makeup/skincare secrets models use and this was one of them. After washing your face use a cotton ball to throughly go back over your face/neck to get off any excess makeup/dirt/oil etc..

Dickinson Witch Hazel

Step 3: Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque 3 oz. (Use 2-3 x's a week) Sally Beauty Supply $3.69

I am a true Sally Beauty Supply shopper and I loved finding this product. I have used it since high school and it hasn't let me down since and I use it at night on a few trouble spots. It will probably freak your significant other out to see you with a green face but it will be worth beautiful skin later.

Step 4: St. Ives Microdermabrasion (I use this once or 2x's a week on opposite days I use the masque above) $5.00 or so at your local CVS or Walgreens

I bought this a few years ago and the packaging has changed but the product is still great. Let me know how this skin routine works out for you!



The Addys-Kansas City 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Sunday,

Last night was great and full of so many talented people at The Addys Award Show. Our wedding invite even won an award from the talented ladies Megan Collins and Andrea Morris at DMH (Diamond Merkens Hogan). It was so nice to take time getting ready Saturday for the award show and knowing that it would be spent with the best creatives in Kansas City all under one roof. My work 19 Below was a sponsor for the event too.

I wanted to do my hair to match my black velvet vintage dress for the night so I google Hollywood Waves and found a great tutorial. For my makeup I made sure to use face primer called Hard Candy, a foundation brush for my Rimmel foundation, Revlon lipstick and lip liner, and Essie Pink nail polish.

I need to find more pictures of me in my dress from last night! After a few too many glasses of wine it got a lot harder to remember to take photos. The event took place at The Midland Theatre and it truly is inspiring everytime I visit. The after party at Liquid 9 was a lot of fun too with balloon chandeliers. I will write more soon and possibly post more pictures that I find. Thanks for an amazing night KC!