Baldwin Party

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hi readers,

A few weeks ago I had an amazing time at a party that Baldwin Denim threw at Town Center Crossing on March 28th to celebrate Matt Baldwin being named of one GQ's best new menswear designers. As one of the winners, Baldwin gets to design an exclusive 12-piece collection to be sold, starting in October, at Gap stores around the globe. My friend Sam is great about informing me about fashion events around town because she is a fashion lover like me. I bought my first Marc Jacobs cell phone case which has a credit card holder. How brilliant is that? Enjoy the photos. I plan to go to more shows soon and I have to buy a couple Baldwin baseball caps soon!

Ps-highlight for the night was meeting my favorite soccer player for Sporting KC Aurelien Collin.



Weddings Lead to Dancing

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hi readers,

So here am I definitely a few blog posts behind but I wanted to post anyway. I understand now when bloggers/writers hit that road block and it is hard to continually keep posting. Most bloggers that I follow aren't full time and have regular jobs/life/family to keep them busy. That being said I have been busy the following week having a much needed vacation in Pennsylvania with my sister's family. I haven't lost that passion for all things fashion but I will try to keep up posting at least every other day for my followers. If you haven't yet I would really appreciate if you would follow my FB, Twitter, Google + to help grow my blog JADATO. Ok, I am done venting and explaining where I have been for the past week or so and onto my post.

I had a wonderful friend named Leah that got married to a very handsome dentist named Chad. Sounds like a cute modern Disney Cartoon, no? Leah and I have been friends since 2005 and I have been excited for her to meet her "Mr. Right" since I've known her. Leah is quite the catch and one of my favorite times with anybody is her and my cooking "Julia Child" nights at our apartments. Her wedding was one of the most glamorous I have been too and every detail was planned perfectly. However her wedding was the only one that  I wiped out on the dance floor and it wasn't because I had too many glasses of vino. (It was raining SUPER hard and it was a historic building :) I really enjoyed sharing her day and really enjoyed getting dressed up to see such a beautiful ceremony and reception for a couple that is ready to share all aspects of their lives together. Cheers to Leah and Chad. I love you both and thank you for inviting me to such a once in a lifetime occasion.

(All pictures are my own)



Make Shoes Smell New

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi readers!

Today is technically my TGIF because I leave to see my family in Pennsylvania after work tonight. I was researching a few new idea articles last night and found a great one to make flats smell new again. For all my female and male readers out there this is a great one for you; your feet will appreciate it also. I am notorious for not wearing socks with my flat shoes and I know they would look ridiculous with them anyways. Summer is just around the corner and I wanted to give this tip to readers needing to make their feet stay fresh. Guys or girls all wear those flats and sandals out everywhere during Summer so these steps will help keep you shoes lasting way past their prime. Let's go ahead and being the tutorial shall we?

Flats have the notorious reputation for being the most smelly shoes within a women’s closet. Part of the shoes problem exists in the way that they are worn on a regular basis without the use of nylons or socks to conceal dead skin particles or foot sweat. This creates a rich moist environment for bacteria to call home and the propagate. (Gross I know)

Smell Removal Tips of Flats (Source:

1 Baking Soda

This household powder has wonderful absorption capabilities and does a great job in pulling in unwelcome foot-related odors. Before going to bed, try to sprinkle one or two teaspoons of baking soda within the shoes, and proceed to shuffle them until the powder has made its way to the toe area of the flats. Once complete, allow the shoes to sit over night to freshen up. If one night does not do the job, repeat this practice nightly until no odor remains within the shoes.

2 Activated Charcoal Inserts

If you have the time, this long-term solution can make sure that an odor never develops within your flats. Obtain an old pair of nylon leggings and cut the legs apart. Place 2-3 charcoal briquettes within each legging and tie an knot above the last briquette. Next, put the nylon enclosed charcoal briquettes within the flats, making sure that they are pushed all of the way down the the toe area. Finalized by placing the activated charcoal filled shoes within a shoe box and allowing to sit over night. This usually takes between 5-7 to effectively remove the odor from the interior of the shoes.

3 Coffee Grounds

Most people associate this material with morning brew, but seldom know that it has powerful absorption capabilities. Fill four coffee ground filters with two teaspoons of coffee grounds each. Pull the loose ends of the filter together and bound closed with a rubber band. Once completed, place within the interior of each flat and allow the shoes to sit over night. If smells still remain after the first night, place these same filter back within the shoes for a seconnd or third night. If successful, the coffee grounds will have lifted the foot-related odor and replaced it with the subtile scent of coffee beans.

4 Kitty Litter

This is usually used in deodorizing cat dropping and keeping thing sanitized within the home, however it can remain effective at deodorizing as well. Keep a small portion of fresh cat litter by your bed, and pour a small amount of this filling within each shoe nightly. The cat litter will work to dry out moist foot sweat and create an unsuitable environment for odorous bacteria.

5 Enzyme Dipped Paper Wads

Harnessing the power of enzymes can work well at literally eating through the organic odors within the flats. Scrunch up several paper towels and lightly dip the tips within a small bowl of enzyme deodorizing solution. Next, stuff the paper towels down within the interior of the shoes and allow 24-48 hours for the cleaning solution to eliminate the foot related odors. Once this time has passed, remove the enzyme dipped paper wads and place flats outside within the sun to finalize the freshening process.



Hair Rut-HBO GIRLS inspiration

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Can we all please agree that we love HBO's GIRLS? (Spoiler alerts ahead) I have a fan girl crush on Lena Dunham's writing and all the girls hairstyles in that show. For that last couple of episodes I cringed, cried, felt ashamed, awkward, and felt angry all at equal intervals during Season 2. The whole car ride home last night I kept thinking how badly I wanted to drink that bottle of wine on the fridge and watch Season's 2 episode of GIRLS. I loved the whole episode so much because it really showed the character's had redeeming qualities even in their weakest moments. 

Shoshanna breaking up with Ray after telling him off "You're older than me. You should have your own place. You should have interests, and passions, and things that you do. You get up every day, and there's nothing, unless you're going to work." After questioning every thought and action of Adam in the show he finally shows enough courage to "run" over to help Hannah get out of her crippling depression. Marnie is finally a real human and tells Charlie that he is an amazing person and that she finally loves him.

Here are some of my favorite articles about last night's episode: