18th Street Fashion Show-Behind the Scenes Part I

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It really has been an honor and a pleasure documenting my friend's Sarah Nelsen and Sara Cramer for The 18th Street Fashion Show. For legal reasons I couldn't publish my photos earlier but now that show has happened I am excited to show you some of their amazing work. I always forget the extensive creative process it takes for a fashion show: creation, 1st review, re-working a piece, and having a finished product. I was so proud of my friend's working together and coming up with such an amazing collection that everyone fell in love with KC fashion. The 18th Street Fashion Show this year seems at a much more professional level from presentation, styling, runway set-up, and the quality/fabrication of the garments. I am working on completing my video for an exclusive view of both Sarah/Sara's work from both of their studios, the day of the show, and the fashion show. I think it will be trilogy video of those things mentioned above and I am really excited about the video portion for my readers! The video below is from my good friend Sheppa and I think it is so badass. This wasn't shown at GILDED SUMMER but I think it should've been shown at some point. It seemed to fit right in next to the Gold Metallic Mini-Cooper on display.   Enjoy it until I get my three videos up soon!

GILDED SUMMER - The 13th Annual West 18th Street Fashion Show from BODY2BODY on Vimeo. (Used with permission from Sheppa) (See credits for video at the end)

Theme of The 18th Street Fashion Show/GILDED SUMMER:
  • This period refers to the latter half of the 19th century, when many great fortunes were made and the rich celebrated wealth as never before. Widespread economic growth lead to the belief that anything was possible, and millions flocked to the United States from Europe attracted to industrial and technological advances. Two areas of major growth were railroads and coal mining. In 1896 the First Transcontinental Railroad opened, linking the coasts and making it possible to travel from New York to San Francisco in a matter of days, instead of months. Though invention and industry ruled the day, underneath the glittering surface of prosperity, lay an underbelly of corruption, greed, and vulgarity. Many of the super-rich, businessmen such as John D. Rockefeller and Cornelius Vanderbilt, who made their fortunes during this time, were perceived to have attained their wealth through shady business dealings and illegitimate means. Mark Twain famously coined the term “Gilded Age” to satirize the era, referring to serious social problems masked by a thin layer of gold. 
Page 1 of the Press Release of The 18th Street Fashion Show:



Brighten Up Your Closet-Neon Fashion

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello readers!

I will have lots of original content/photos tomorrow of the events I attend tonight for First Fridays. In lieu to The 18th Street Fashion Show starting tomorrow I thought I should post some outfits to get you noticed. The one thing lacking in my wardrobe is a pop of neon that everyone wore in the 80's. Neon colors really look great on everyone no matter what your skin tone and give any outfit a great finish.

Few tips on choosing the "right neon" (How to Wear Neon Colors)

Choose a color. What looks best on you? Neons come in thousands of different shades, but first, narrow it down and pick a color. Hint: ROY G. BIV. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet is a good place to start. Purchase a few colors and see which looks best on you.
See which colors bring out your features. For example, blue colors can bring out blue eyes, and tanner colors can bring out highlights in your hair.

Mix your colors. Avoid doing all neons. Use some solid colors, and then throw in your neons. Mix it up every once in a while too: try not to do neons everyday, or people may get a headache every time they see you. Black goes great with neon because it gives a good background for the neon. Wear some neon colored shirts with black pants, or vice versa.

Everyone have fun tonight and stay safe!



Clean Vintage Clothing

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hey readers!

I am working on an amazing video to show behind the scenes looks from The 18th Street Fashion Show soon. For legal reasons I can't show the video until after the show anyway; so I have been busy editing the video until then. I have been pondering the idea of starting to collect and sell vintage clothing on E-bay. I know how important it is to clean a vintage garment carefully and researching today I came upon this gem. GREAT ideas for those who love vintage clothing but had no idea how to clean it yourself. Enjoy my favorite modern day vintage lady, Dita Von Teese.

Cleaning Vintage Clothing
How to clean vintage clothing varies by the age of the garment and the type of material. The main basic rule is not to put anything vintage through the washing machine or dryer. Hand wash or dry cleaning are the best ways to clean vintage, although I have used the washing machine as a basin when the garment is too large to fit comfortably in the kitchen sink, but make sure that you do not use the agitator when the garment is soaking. I usually fill the washer half full with warm water, a tablespoon of salt and mild detergent and let it soak. To move the garment around, I use a long wooden spoon to gently move the garment around, being careful not to tear the material.



Lana Del Rey

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Happy almost Memorial Weekend! My husband and I have been trying to listen to more albums lately rather than watching TV. I am listening to Lana Del Rey this morning and I have to say I love her. I know the wheels of marketing re-created her image but they did a hell of a good job. Her voice is great too, regardless of her disastrous SNL singing appearance, I think she has an amazing set of pipes.

I have a lot of goals for myself this weekend which include: finally giving my husband a junk drawer, organizing my crazy closet, getting rid of clothing that doesn't fit, and starting Pilates again. Organizing my closet I hope will make my morning dressing for work easier; I will actually blow-dry my sopping wet hair before wandering aimlessly over to the coffee pot. I have to admit I like Lana Del Rey with red hair much better BUT I'm sure she doesn't care what I think ;) Enjoy.